Do you do your banking online? Do you ever use a credit card to purchase something online? If so, make sure the website is safe. This is perhaps one of the simplest things to do in our list of tips, yet one of the more important ones.
Many websites pretend to be something they are not. They can look exactly like the real one, yet really be a fake one that is trying to get your username and password. Or it could be a trap to infect your computer with malware.
We have all heard the stories about hackers controlling someone's webcam and seeing what they shouldn't. Did you know that in Safari preferences, you can see what websites have the ability to control your camera, your microphone and many other functions of your computer?
Have you ever had a popup window tell you that your computer has been infected with a virus? Or have you had an alert tell you that Flash needs to be updated? These are common tricks to get you to download malware to your computer.
Did you know that Facebook, Google, and other companies track you while traversing the web? They follow you to other sites and spy on everything you do. It is called cross site tracking. There are a few things you can do to help prevent it.
Web Tracking Did you know that Facebook, Google, and other companies track you while traversing the web? They following you to other sites and spy on everything you do. Malware Have you ever had a popup window tell you that your computer has been infected with a virus? Or have you had an alert tell …